PCA was introduced by Karl Pearson (1901) and further developed by Harold Hotelling (1931). 25, 0. Use the text function for the radial and angle labels if you want them. YAxis. Below is my code for setting the x-axis to the desired tick values; Theme. For example, assign the Axes object to a variable, such as ax = gca. . style but the new. For example, assign the Axes object to a variable, such as ax = gca. TickDir =. Accepted Answer . Accepted Answer . Learn more about set, xtick MATLAB. set(gca,'XTick',tickVector); sets the location of the ticks, not the number of ticks. and I'd like the real x values to show up in the figure. Show 3 older comments Hide 3 older comments. I am plotting an EEG time series in MATLAB. You need to modify the properties of the axes directly using set. To prevent MATLAB from changing the tick locations or number of ticks when the figure is resized or printed, change this property to manual. ) just removes the labels but keeps the axes, unlike axis off. To access the current axes or chart without forcing the creation of Cartesian axes, use dot notation to query the figure CurrentAxes property. itamar luzon on 25 Dec 2018. Find the treasures in MATLAB Central and discover how the community can help you! Start Hunting!Select a Web Site. datetick() normally ignores any tick positions already set and calculates "nice" tics based upon the time format. I just need a slight modification to get the tick marks to appear on the outside and not on the side of the graph. This says that you can set the Position or other properties in. This is the example given in help for doing exactly. I restricted the x-axis to go from 0 to 24 to make it readable. yt = get (gca,'ytick'); for j=1:length (yt) % With log plots, MATLAB defaulted to exponential format, that is difficult for lay. xticks (x); Construct a string array from x. Use the set function to modify the properties of an existing Axes or the get function to query the current values of Axes properties. The method of rotating tick labels depends upon which MATLAB you are. Are you calling it for a specific purpose ?) Display x -Axis Tick Labels in Terms of Pi. XTicksNumber=2, yet it still plots 10. This probably isn't what you want to do for the y axis. 00000]) This set command creates 6 tics in X axis, but I like to create 20 ticks so that there are 50 elements in between 2 tics. XTick. Therefore, your xtick vector is: time = cellstr (datestr ( [ones (n,1)* [2012 3 10] x zeros (n,2)],'HH:MM')); Data = rand (1,24); plot (x,Data); set (gca,'XTick',0:23); set (gca,'XTickLabel',time); Here, I can plot the change in a certain variable as a function of time (in hours). If XTick is set by the user, this property is automatically set to manual. csv'); mydata_sorted = sortrows (mydata, 4); bar (mydata_sorted {:,4}); xticklabels. 5 5. I am trying to change the font size of Xticklabel by this code. What I want to do is to plot my figure with its x-axis that ranges from 0 to 5 in steps of 0. Find more on Graphics Object Properties in Help Center and File Exchange. Copy. In Matlab the command 'axis equal': sets the aspect ratio so that equal tick mark increments on the x-,y- and z-axis are equal in size. Improve this answer. Vai al contenuto. Link. Stacked works only if you have more than one bar. This makes SPHERE(25) look like a sphere, instead of an ellipsoid. pyplot. If you are using R2016a or earlier, you can specify the limits, tick values, and tick labels by setting properties of the. . t0 = 1 t1 = datenum ( [2012 9 21 7 0 0]) % 7 am today t2 = datenum ( [2012 9 21 17 0 0]) % 5 pm x = linspace (t1,t2); % generates a row vector y of 100 points linearly. set(gca,'TickLength',[0 0]) because this would remove tick marks on the y axis. Specifying the Color and Size of Markers. set(gca,'Xticklabel',10. 1. I've tried set(gca,'XTick',[20,50,80,100,200]), then the intermediate ticks (and so the grid-lines) are removed. Note that when you executed set(gca,'xtick',[]), set(gca,'xticklabel',[]) etc the 'xtickmode', 'xticklabelmode' etc were implicitly set to 'manual'. set(gca,'XTick',[2:2:46]) %改變x軸座標間隔顯示 這裏間隔爲2 %以上就可以對x軸做很好的控制了,y軸類似。 axis([2,46,0,2]) %axis([xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax]),用這個語句可以對x,y軸的上限與下限繪製範圍一起做控制,但是間隔還是要用上面的set來改. Use the gca command to obtain the handle of the current Axes. set (gca,'Xtick', [0 pi 2*pi]) 2 Comments Show 1 older comment Pham Dang on 12 Aug 2016 Hi, the exact following code works for me : Theme Copy x = [0:0. By default this is grey, but when saving the figure this becomes white, so if your picture has a white background, you let it be so you can save it, or change it to the background of the figure (or change the background of the figure to white so you cover both cases. For releases prior to R2014b, use the set function to set the property instead. By changing property values, you can modify certain aspects of the axes. figure (1) scatter (rand (10,1), rand (10,1)) xtk = get (gca, 'XTick'); % Get 'XTick' Data For Information. Find the treasures in MATLAB Central and discover how the community can help you. So, to get the desired TickLength in cm: plot (x, x); Specify you want ticks at each element in x. 33. I am trying to change the font size of Xticklabel by this code. about rotating axis label in matlab. Short answer: yes, it is possible. xticks ('auto') sets an automatic mode, enabling the axes to determine the x -axis tick values. expand all in page. Code: axis ( [-scrsz (3),scrsz (3),-scrsz (4),scrsz (4)+200]); %Changes the data pixel size of the workspace. set (gca, 'TickDir', 'out') I am trying to ONLY change the Xticks to point out but 'XTickDir' is not a property and I can't find anything in the docs about changing only 1 direction. It is currently set to only have the tick marks on the bottom (x axis) and the left (y axis). Categories MATLAB Graphics Formatting and Annotation Labels and Annotations Axis Labels. S. Theme. What is currently happening is that you have 5 XTick values and only 3 labels. I have tried the northoutside, northeastoutside and posiiton but didn't get the accurate results. Find the treasures in MATLAB Central and discover how the community can help you! Start Hunting! Set axes properties after plotting since some plotting functions reset axes properties. Sign in to answer this question. Share. The tricky thing is that datetick messes with your limits and tick marks. Use the SPRINTF function to format your tick labels using the format of your choice then set the 'XTickLabel' or 'YTickLabel' property of the axis to use those strings as tick labels. a = get (gca,'XTickLabel'); set (gca,'XTickLabel',a,'fontsize',12,'FontWeight','bold') in a figure where I have 6 subplots and I do this for each subplot separately. Copy exactly the line in the answer (set(gca,'Units','Pixels')). Show 4 older comments. Traducir. Create two plots of random data. Call the nexttile function to create the axes objects ax1 and ax2. TickDir = 'out' ; ax. Objective: To draw a heatmap of errors for two parameters to be optimized. boxplot does some complicated stuff - type edit boxplot to take a look through the code, and you'll see it's a very long and intricate function. 1 and 3. Traducir. Set the 'xtick' property to the datenum values determined from the date/time from xmin:xmax desired. Specify the tick label format for the x-axis of the lower plot by specifying ax2 as the first input argument to. Then set the XTick property using dot notation, such as ax. Here's a little example. Modified 1 month ago. The oaxes documentation will give you more information about the properties used in the example above, including an explanation of the difference. I know I can set the tick direction to be pointing in our outside the plot box with. Problem or bug in xticklabel_rotate while drawing heatmap and rotating xtick labels in Matlab. gca gets the axis of the current figure (Get Current Axis) XTick and YTick are the properties in which MATLAB stores the location of the respective tick marksAs far as I know, you can only have one legend-window for one set of axes in MATLAB, so the idea is: add a second (exatly equal) set of axes to the figure. 2 Comments. Is there a method for only showing every other hour in the x axis i. de 2021. Find the treasures in MATLAB Central and. I would like to know if I have to set the XTickLabel, YTickLabel, ZTickLabel, XTick, YTick, and ZTick properties. xticks ('auto') sets an automatic mode, enabling the axes to determine the x -axis tick values. Set the current axes’ limit for the current axes. Show -1 older comments Hide -1 older comments. yt = get (gca,'ytick'); for j=1:length (yt) % With log plots, MATLAB defaulted to exponential format, that is difficult for lay. MATLAB selects the tick mark location based on the data range to produce equally spaced ticks (for linear graphs). The set call sets the 'FontSize' of the associated text objects to 16 points. 15. The 'XTick' property must be numeric, and indicates to the axes where to place the tick marks. if it's 2 hours that would be 121 values [0:120]' if the origin is at 00 minutes--if not use the desired offset. XTickLabels is the property in which MATLAB stores the strings used to label the tick marks. Find the. For example, assign the Axes object to a variable, such as ax = gca. . the axes will still be invisible). yL. I simply added at the end of set 'units','points','position', [70,70,750,200], as you can see in the code. Plotting functions (curves) is very similar to the data plotting we just performed. set(gca, 'XTick',[Min : 0. Copy. XTick = [-3*pi -2*pi -pi 0 pi 2*pi 3*pi]. For instance, the following command. 5 5. Theme. Create a line plot. The command sets the axis tick labels for the current figure. %plot的默认参数为 [232,246,560,420],Position的单位可以用units属性制定,units属性的值可以是下列字符串中的任何一. a = get (gca,'XTickLabel'); set (gca,'XTickLabel',a,'fontsize',20,'FontWeight','bold') %changes the font size of axis lables. 这就需要我们自己合理的选择一些低灰度级的部分变换到高灰度级的部分. set(gca, 'FontSize',**). When I run my code I see the. Theme. 0000 26. Theme. I only want ticks every 10^1. still show all of the data. matplotlib. Replace all but those that are multiples of 500 with a string with no characters. XTick = [1:5 12]; % Change the tick labels themselves. Arif Hoq on 1. Accepted Answer: KSSV. Accepted Answer: Azzi Abdelmalek. The third and fourth specify the limits for the y-axis, the fifth and sixth specify the limits. g. In the same statement, set the LineWidth property to 2 points. I want to have a graph which should have axis from -pi to pi. t = [datetime ('now'):1/12:datetime ('tomorrow')]; % Example datetime vector. " 4. and y-axis values from top left downwards (that means 0 should come in. TickLength = [0. Make sure you have the proper figure and axis selected. Hi Heidi, To add minor x ticks’ grid lines, ‘grid minor’ command can be used. Show -1 older comments Hide -1 older. 0. . Deleting the axes creates different size frames that can't be recombined. To change those, you have to use axis (or xlim and ylim ): axis ( [0 400 0 20]) %// [xmin xmax ymin ymax] Share. 93 26. (ax. Whatever =. set (gca,'Xtick',1:1:Vector (length (Vector))) But this uses a linear interval for the Xtick. Show -1 older comments Hide -1 older comments. 1 Answer. I am trying to change the font size of Xticklabel by this code. Vote. I would still like a graph of f as a function of 1. but I cant do it. or uses the values explicitly set for any of the XTick, YTick, and ZTick properties (manual mode). You can use the set command. When I use set(gca,'XTick',-pi:pi/2:pi). Answers. You use datetick () to add dates to a plot axis in MATLAB. The automatic labels will likely overlap. syntax, which will break gca in the workspace. Answers (1) You can cheat: use regularly spaced x-values for the plotting, but then change the tick labels to your serial numbers. 'Color') 2 Comments. set(gca, 'Xtick',0:3:23) set(gca, 'XtickLabel',time(1:3:end)) 1 Comment. Sign in to comment. Your first tick mark is at 10 so it is off the far right end of your plot and can't be seen. 0 Comments. 5 so that these values can be better interpreted. See LineSpec for more information on specifying line styles and colors. Keep in mind that this functionality was introduced in MATLAB R2015b. set (gca,'XTickLabel',num2str (x)),set (gca,'XTick',1:numel (x))The following will make the XTickLabels bold: fig = figure (1); ax = axes; % or: ax = gca; plot (rand (10)); ax. Matlab's documentation tells that the handle YColor and XColor can be used, but they also control the color of the tick labels. XAxis. One could use 'normalized' units but then have to compute where the x-positions needs must be--a Catch-22 conundrum; to be totally general one needs must compute one or the other; your choice as to which. Since tex is the default interpreter, we don’t need any special preparation – simply set the relevant X/Y/ZTickLabel string to include the relevant tex markup. It is helpful, but may not be necessary in your final code. Sign in to. h. tx = get (gca,'XTickLabel'); set (gca,'XTickLabel',tx,'fontsize',10. You want to set your XTick values before you set your XTickLabels since you are constructing your XTickLabels from the values of the XTicks themselves. Draw the grid lines in the correct place. Also, you can leave out the part 'xtick',1:12,' as bar plots have xticks at all bars anyway, I think. XTick = [-3*pi -2*pi -pi 0 pi 2*pi 3*pi]. Hope this helps!I have created a graph with data from an Excel file. You can specify the location of x-ticks and then rename them. Hey, I have the following boxplot: Instead of 1, 2, 3 on the x-axis I want to have 50kW, 150kW, 300kW - I tried changing tick-values to either only 50, 150, 300 or with kW. yticks (ticks) sets the y -axis tick values, which are the locations along the y -axis where the tick marks appear. but lets say t = 0:1/6:1, then axis looks this. So you can specify a range of. I'm not at work anymore, so I can't check it until tomorrow, but I guess I'll figure it out =) Thanks again! – User interaction can change the current axes or chart. set(gca, 'XTick', xtck); 0 Comments. axes ('PropertyName',PropertyValue,. 80000 1. Labeling different figures, font,size MATLAB (2 answers) Closed 8 years ago . In this case, pass the axes object to the “fontsize” function followed by the desired font size in. Find the treasures in MATLAB Central and discover how the community can help you. expand all in page. TickLength = [1, 0. m: % Note : you can not RE-RUN xticklabel_rotate on the same graph. Copy. set (gca, 'XTick', linspace (0,1,length (xlab)), 'XTickLabels', xlab) Now you see all of the labels (right). If you want to know more. Using (3. ') You can play with the Y-locations of these text labels to add a little bit of. I think this might be a bug with MATLAB's 'log' axes scaling. TickLength = [1, 0. 75,1. (Of course this is nonsense if those serial numbers have a meaning when they are far apart) set (gca,'XTickLabel',num2str (get (gca,'XTick'). Create a scatter plot and rotate the tick labels along each axis. You should be using xTickLabel instead of XTick. I don't think it has 100% compatability between Octave and Matlab, but I noticed that most of basic commands are compatible. If you don't, it may depend on your resolution if you get your desired result. See the documentation section on Position and Size for information on that. You have to start out, though, with a conversion between data coordinates and pixels:It looks like you want to set xtick,. For example: I have tried to get the tick out, but it doesn't look good. 0000. I can add x-axis labels or numbers. Also, as suggested by you in one of the comments, this page contains a lot of additional useful tricks for displaying plots in MATLAB. ICEEMDAN(改进的CEEMDAN). The MATLAB plot function is plotting the signal with amplitude on y-axis and number of sample on x-axis. A really dirty way to do it is to add a picture of phi on the tick place. Theme. a = get (gca,'XTickLabel'); set (gca,'XTickLabel',a,'fontsize',12,'FontWeight','bold') in a figure where I have 6 subplots and I do this for each subplot separately. First, to change the number of ticks, use the 'XTick' property of the axes. I cannot figure out how to rotate my xtick labels in a 3d graph. . Teams. Reading the "Getting Started" chapters of the documentation explains the basic usage of Matlab exhaustively. If you want to line up the right-most edge of the December bar, then you will have to adjust your limits to something like: axis ( [0 x (end)+halfBarWidth -11 11]); The second part of your question is to the horizontal and vertical lines. 2) Click on the "More properties" button on the right side of the window. Copy. set (gca, 'YTickLabel', []) This way the tick marks are still there. Call the tiledlayout function to create a 2-by-1 tiled chart layout. Find the treasures in MATLAB Central and discover how the community can help you! Start Hunting!Starting in R2019b, you can display a tiling of plots using the tiledlayout and nexttile functions. 1 Answer. yticklabels ('auto') sets an automatic mode, enabling the axes to determine the y -axis tick labels. By changing property values, you can modify certain aspects of the axes. gca gets the axis of the current figure (Get Current Axis) XTick and YTick are the properties in which MATLAB stores the location of the respective tick marks[Matlab(매트랩)/Plotting] 그래프 글자크기 바꾸기. If I plot a variable y at times given by a datetime vector t, the x-axis ticks are automatically chosen, Theme. Toggle Main Navigation. MATLAB plots every column as a seperate curve. Using set(gca,'XTickLabel',[20,50,80,100,200]) doesn't work either. So use the 'keepticks' option. To prove it, and see the ticks, put this line at the end of your code: Theme. Or at least a specific numeric value that will not change or be resized based on the size on the Figure window. In this page, I would post a quick reference for Matlab and Octave. However, XTicks are stored as doubles and if these Xtick values are assigned back as XTickLabels, the new XTickLabels will not be in exponential. Commented: Erez on 11 Nov 2019. XTickLabel = tmp {1} (1); Share. XTick = [-3*pi -2*pi -pi 0 pi 2*pi 3*pi]. 위와 같이 입력하면 XTick, YTick, legend의 글자 크기가 **로 일괄통일 됩니다. Unfortunately you cannot do it directly but have to set custom tick labels like this: X = magic (512); % just some test data imagesc (X); set (gca, 'XTick', [0:0. Choose a web site to get translated content where available and see local events and offers. I have attached my program for the radiation pattern of the horn antenna. set(gca, 'XTick', [1. Show -1 older comments Hide -1 older comments. 40000 0. yaxis. I have an m-size vector f. I've just renamed the ticks' names. Learn more about set, gca, position, v2020a, v2013a MATLAB. 本文目标:学会set(gca,xtick)和set(gca,xticklabel)的使用使用方法:set(gca,'xtick',坐标刻度);set(gca,'xticklabel',自定义坐标刻度);可以发现:两者的区别在于坐标刻度。前者的坐标刻度依赖于数据的真实坐标,后者的坐标刻度完全是自定义的。 For MATLAB R2015a and older versions: You can use one of the following methods to format your tick labels: 1. After that, you can simply plot a single regular boxplot with ad-hoc options such as colors and labels. Format='%d'; % use integer format, no decimal points. NOTE: If you are working under the MS Windows version of MATLAB, you will need to make sure that you are using a Truetype font in your text objects. 02]; ax. % readerst to understand. colormap gray; %subplot (2,2,1); imagesc (inclinedCyl_d20); ax = gca;I tried xt = get(gca, 'XTick'); set(gca, 'FontSize', 15); but it didnt work. xpts = min(t):max(t); %# Make a full vector, filling in missing dates set(gca,'XTick',xpts,'XTickLabel',datestr(xpts)); %# Set axes properties NOTE: Whichever option you choose for changing the x-axis labels to date strings, you may run into trouble with the labels overlapping each other if the tick marks are too close together. set(gca,'XTickLabel', {labelslist}, 'FontSize',16) but it does not work, at least on with my version (2014a on Windows10). "4. By default, the mode is automatic unless you specify the tick labels or set the mode to manual. XTick = linspace (h. set (gca, 'Units', 'centimeters') So if ax. It is not a method of the axes object so you need to call it without passing the axes object into it or with the axes object inside the parentheses as an input argument. xlim (1),h. For releases prior to R2014b, use the set function to set the property instead. 0. % get handle to current axes. 0 4. Only if you're going to set one different than the other is there any point in it. Depending on how many XTICK you have on screen, than many XTICKLABELS will be displayed. Plot into each of the axes. might be required. For releases prior to R2016b, instead set the tick values and labels using the XTick, XTickLabel, YTick, and YTickLabel properties of the Axes object. Axes appearance and behavior. NumTicks = 4; L = get(gca,'XLim'); set(gca,'XTick',linspace(L(1),L(2),NumTicks)) You can easily wrap it in a function if you like. This gives Matlab control on what ticks and ticklabels to use, which is the default mode. xtick_label_cellarr = num2cell (0:24) xtick_cellarr = linspace (0,85680,numel (xtick_label_cellarr)) set (gca, 'XTick',xtick_cellarr) set (gca, 'XTickLabel',xtick_label. 5093 0. I don't know if there is a more elegant solution but you could set the tick labels to empty strings. A really dirty way to do it is to add a picture of phi on the tick place. MATLAB Graphics Formatting and Annotation Labels and Annotations Axis Labels. The problem is that, while xtick function returns the value of all the existing ticks (visible and hidden ones), the xticklabels function only returns the labels of visible ticks. Edney Almeida Nascimento on 29 Jan 2021. Try the following: x=[4000, 8000, 10000, 12000]; % define the x values where you want to have a tick set(gca,'XTick',x); % Apply the ticks to the current axes set(gca,'XTickLabel', arrayfun(@(v) sprintf('%d',v), x, 'UniformOutput', false) ); % Define the tick labels based on the user-defined formatset(gca, 'xTickLabel', xTickLabel); Note that once the tick labels have been set, they are in manual mode. octave. Based on your location, we recommend that you select: . Actually, it is better to use handles than gcf as gcf uses the last figure that was addressed, example. Theme. Customize the details manually as per your. g figure(1) specialtick at x=9, figure(2) specialtick at x=9. set(gca,'XTick',[]) because this would remove the tick labels. dateFormat = 15; % 15 is HH:MM, see docs datetick ('x',dateFormat)% equivalent: datetick ('x','HH:MM') If you need specific boundaries on your axis, you can use xlim to set the precise boundary you require. It's all doable; you just have to figure out where is the highest point in the object hierarchy you can do so. See Also. eric clear ## init demo plot clf plot. The following example uses 2 groups of 3, so 7 columns. axis ( [0,1200,0,70]) Theme. I am looking more like 0. 001: (2*pi)]; y = (sin (x)). % readerst to understand. For example: For example: plot(dt,X); set(gca,'XTick',datenum(1950:5:2015,1,1)); %. I. yl = yticklabels returns the y -axis tick labels for the current axes. Learn more about set, grid, spacing, different, ticks, axes, minor, alternative, put MATLAB In MATLAB, is there a way to set the GRID at a spacing different from the ticks on the axes? EDIT: Added custom control of ytick s: the value of stp changes the step between each tick. Parent. Is there a method for only showing every other hour in the x axis i. 0000 20. h is the handle to your heatmap object. The 'XTickLabel' property indicates what to display for labels. For releases prior to R2014b, use the set function to set the property instead. optional. Starting in R2019b, you can display a tiling of plots using the tiledlayout and nexttile functions. plot (x,sin (sqrt (x-t0)*pi)) set (gca,'XTick', [t1,floor (t1)+0. Another option is to increase the figure width using the 'Position' property. XTickLabel, 'UniformOutput',false); You cannot use gca in the same. 0 3. Setting the tick positions after calling datetick() would not work: datetick() sets the tick labels to strings, and those strings would not be reflect the positions you set afterwards. Only if you're going to set one different than the other is there any point in it. XTick = [-3*pi -2*pi -pi 0 pi 2*pi 3*pi]. XTick = x (1); h. Note that it changes both the font (which you asked for) and the font size (which is how I found this thread): plot (X) set (gca, 'FontName', 'Arial') set (gca, 'FontSize', 12) ylabel ('Label Y axis') xlabel ('Label X axis') The point that is important is that you do the set. set (gca, 'XTick', [1:2:8]/10, 'XTickLabel', names) The line for ‘xtk’ will help you determine where the plotting command puts the 'XTick' values. Accepted Answer: Daniel M. 0. Specify ticks as a vector of increasing values; for example, [0 2 4 6] . a cell vector of chars. Use the plot method to display the figure. I am using MATLAB 2016, and I still can't figure out or find helpful documentation for how to change gca's xtick object. I'm not 100% certain I understand your question, but I think a couple things that might help you are to change the axes to logarithmic: Theme. Specify labels as a string array or a cell array of character vectors; for example, {'January','February','March'}. For more details on grid lines, please refer this documentation link. 0f',xtl)) Here, there are 10 x-ticks and 11 y-ticks,. Then I noticed line 35 in xticklabel_rotate. 1 Axis Configuration. . Use dot notation to query and set properties. set(gca, 'XTick', xtixr, 'XTickLabel',xtixlbl) xlabel('0 < theta_i < 180°'). Rotate Tick Labels. In other words: I want the graph to be exactly the same (f as a function. Rotate Tick Labels. Obviously a more general solution would identify the end-points of the tick range automatically as well. hello. MATLAB's built-in function datetick also performs similarly. pyplot. MATLAB繪圖字體大小控制set(gca, 'XTick', xtck); 0 comentarios. . I copied and pasted this code. set(gca, 'Xtick',times_num) % X軸の目盛り位置を指定 % X軸の目盛りラベルを日付書式に変更 . Example Script: % Script File: ShowTicks % How to set and label axis ticks. Then suppose i Interpolated from x=9 to x= 11 at a spacing of 0. Find the treasures in MATLAB Central and discover how the community can help you! Start Hunting!xticklabels(labels) sets the x-axis tick labels for the current axes. >> set (gca,'XColor', [1 1 1]); % Set RGB value to what you want. 5 and I would like my tick marks to occur every 0. CurrentAxes;figure (1) scatter (rand (10,1), rand (10,1)) xtk = get (gca, 'XTick'); % Get 'XTick' Data For Information. Here's the statement to do it: Theme. The tick labels will not update automatically with the resizing of the figure window or zooming in and out of the window. 2,458 1 25 27.